Monday, January 12, 2009


We had our first childbirth class last night. It was really interesting! It's only us and one other couple, in English, run privately in the woman's home. We went with her since she has had twins herself and is the only person we found who can help us with details specifically applicable to multiple births. The other couple is having a singleton but she incorporates the twin information seamlessly. We have a session a week for three weeks, each one lasting two and a half hours, and then a session or two post-birth, one of which is a twins-specific session.

Shawn and I were both surprised at how much more we knew than the other couple though of course we still have tons to learn. I guess it was because we have both done so much reading during the pregnancy that terms like VBAC, mucus plug, kegal exercises, etc. have already become a part of our vocabulary. It's interesting since I'm not so much into the idea of reading child-rearing books (I don't feel like anyone else can teach me how to parent) but I have been very into reading pregnancy books, especially multiples material.

Anyhow, the class was informative and fun, and I look forward to the rest of the sessions.

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