Monday, September 21, 2009

7 months

Bracha laying the smackdown. Eliana taking it rather well.

Playtime, with Bracha the piano prodigy:

7 months

Eliana picture post!

I'm gonna getcha!!!

Toes: it's what's for dinner

Baby toes: it's the other OTHER white meat!

Thanks Aunty Leah! I love my Johnny JumpUp!

Friday, September 11, 2009

6 months


Bracha stealing the show

Poor Eliana when she had her nasty rash...ever the smiling baby, though!

Bracha curling up for a snooze in the car seat

More smiles from miss gummygrin

6 months

Eliana's video post!

And now for a public service announcement from the day's star herself: