Monday, February 16, 2009


Uncertainty still prevails. Tomorrow morning we are to report to the hospital, at which time they'll take a look at the situation and try to decide if the birth can wait another two days. The reason for that is due to my cold, which has stubbornly decided to stick around. We met with my OB yesterday who would really prefer me healthy for the birth. So I'm afraid we might have another day like last Wednesday on our hands, with the whole day spent at the hospital just to be sent back home in the end. Either that or it'll be due day. The not knowing is driving me nuts.

Meanwhile Shawn and I are both very nervous. It'd be one thing if we could just continue life as normal, sitting around and waiting till the day my water breaks or whatnot. But all of this rushing back and forth to the hospital, full of questions and uncertainty, is today the day? That's taking its toll. It makes us think more about the inevitable. I have no idea if/how I'll sleep tonight. Will I be a mommy by tomorrow night? Will I be back home in bed, waiting for Thursday?

1 comment:

Shoshana said...

I remember when I was going back and forth to the hospital the week before Mechal was due. Each time, I thought to myself, is this it? Will the next time I open my front door, be with a baby? Is this the day we get to use everything that we've learned about?
G'luck! I hope it all goes well and you and both babies have a healthy and happy experience.