Thursday, October 16, 2008

19wks, 3days

Just a quick update. We had a lovely holiday. We built a pretty little Succah on our porch and managed to fit nine people in it for lunch on Tuesday. Yesterday I did the first coat of paint on the office and meant to do the second today but am feeling way too tired. I don't think it's anything to worry about and of course if I start to suspect it is I will call my doctor. But my belly has been growing like mad this past week or so, so I suspect it's just exhaustion that must come with such a growth spurt. It reminds me of when I had mono; every small task seems enormous and I haven't got the energy to do much more than lay down and read or sit and watch TV. But luckily there is no reason whyI can not indulge in my exhaustion. While I really ought to get some painting, laundry, and dish-washing done, it's chol hamoed and nothing is really urgent, certainly nothing is as urgent as growing two babies that suck my life force from I am taking it easy. While my husband is out earning the dough. How great it feels!

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