Wednesday, July 29, 2009

23wks, 1day

I am very sad because Shawn and I think it's time to start separating the girls at night. They're both rolling over in their sleep and tend to sleep on their stomachs and in the process they roll around quite a lot in the crib, often ending up right on top of each other. Amazingly enough they don't really seemed bothered by it, but I suppose it can be a bit of a suffocation hazard when your sister's torso is wrapped around your head.

They shared a family bed with me and Shawn for their first few months, transitioned relatively smoothly to their crib some time between 3-4 months, and have not spent a night apart since (Eliana moved to the crib before Bracha, who was not yet ready to part with co-sleeping. But by four months or so they were both in the crib). We have two cribs of course, we've just been using one for storage while they share the other. But with the way they move around at night...

It feels sad to me because I love peeking in on them at night and watching them together, often touching (holding hands, sucking each other's appendages, kicking each other in the head...) They're very good together; they're very tolerant of the unintentioned kicks, punches, and bites, and when one cries it doesn't wake the other.

But really, how can be sad that my babies are growing and developing and moving around. They already have individual personalities, it's time they get individual space.

On a similar note, they outgrew the bassinets we got from Yad Sarah (as beds for them while at my parents') not because of size (they always slept separately in those), rather because when Eliana rotated around in her sleep she's get herself stuck...quite literally. Poor girl. Now they have roomy "camping playpens" (ie, pack 'n plays, though not the technical term since they're not Graco) at Saba and Svata's. Pictures of that coming soon.

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