We had a Tipat Chalav (Well-Baby) visit today. The girls are growing magnificently! Eliana weights 6 kilo and Bracha weighs 4. Both have more than doubled their birth weight and are on track height and head circumference-wise (on track for them that is...they don't quite match the clinic's charts but that's to be expected since they're twins.)
I think we must be very lucky. People have told me horror stories about their experiences at Tipat Chalav. The nurse we see is really sweet, non-judgmental at all, she remembers the girls very well each visit and is really glad to see their achievements and progress. She thinks it's great we cloth diaper, which, by the way, is going really well. Both girls are entirely on cloth at home though we use disposables when we leave the house and while at my parents'. Eliana is usually in BumGenius and Bracha wears pre-folds, just folded, no Snappi, in a newborn-size cover. We've got a stock of small (which Eliana fits in to but we hardly ever have her in) and medium covers. Our collection will have to grow as the girls do, but we'll probably stick mostly to the BG.
Anyhow, my TC visits are always pleasant...other than the part where they shove needles into my poor babies. Ina, our nurse, is always very sweet and gentle with it, but it makes me cry. The girls however are fine with it. Each lets out one good wail then stops. But they are fussy for the day after their shots, though so far thank God never any swelling, inflammation, fever, or signs of physical discomfort. Anyhow, they both seem to finally be down. Shawn's been in bed for a bit, poor guy is really tired after not getting much sleep last night due to a double crying session at 4am and his early morning start at work. I'm going to grab some supper, do some more straitening up, then join him, assuming the girls let me. I want to be "on duty" for the first half of the night, let Shawn get some sleep, and, if they wake up, comfort my babies the way only an Ima knows how.
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