Friday, November 21, 2008

24wks, 4days

It's about 1:30am and I am still awake because the little monsters are kicking...and man do they pack a punch!

Thank God they are active, though. There was a quiet day last week and it almost scared me. Lately I think they're doing a lot of moving around, rolling over and whatnot, though they still seem to both be stubbornly keeping their legs down, since I feel most of the kicks in my lower pelvis. I do hope they decide to turn in time, I'd like at least a chance at a vaginal birth.

I'm slowly discovering my new limits. I'm managing to keep up with work though I take full advantage of any breaks I have and by the end of the week I'm pretty pooped. I made the mistake of doing what I now know is too large of a shopping trip to handle by myself and I had an awful time getting the groceries home and up the stairs. I'm very grateful our bed has wrought iron curlicues as a part of the headboard design because I desperately need them as handles to help me roll over or get out of bed. I feel like a beached whale!

Otherwise, all is well. I plan on figuring out how to snap photos of myself with our new webcam tomorrow so if that goes well there will be pictures up here before the end of the day.


Pesky Settler said...

Maybe start shopping at a place that delivers? For an extra 18NIS or whatnot, someone else does the schlepping.

Yaffa said...

Normally I have someone who does the schlepping for me, and he costs a lot less that 18NIS :) I just went overboard, meaning to pick up a couple of items and it wasn't till I was out of the store (and past the ATM where I could have picked up cash for a cab) that I realized I had overdone it.

How are you doing? I'm sorry to hear the nausea has been sticking around so long for you...

Pesky Settler said...

Doing ok... had the Level II scan and B'H all is well.

Been kicked with a stomach bug that seems to be going around though.

In about 2 weeks I have the GTT and I'm going straight to the 3 hour test because I always fail the 1 hour.

And at around 30 weeks I'll go tour and register at a couple hospitals. I'm also wondering about a doula...

Yaffa said...

Thank God I passed the 1 hr yesterday, which I was so worried about since I always have borderline high results on the 3 hour. But for once I was actually on the low end.

I'm probably going to tour and register pretty soon since there's the risk of premature labor and/or bed rest, so I want to get it out of the way now. I'll probably end up at Hadassah thanks to the protectzia Shawn provides but I don't want to eliminate Shaare Tzedek since it's two blocks away from my parents' place. I've thought about a doula but I don't think I'll go for one.