Sunday, November 30, 2008

25wks, 6days

Awesome update: I saw my belly move!!

I've felt the kicks through the skin, as has Shawn. But yesterday they were kicking like crazy, all day, all over, and at one point I was sitting on a couch and I looked down at my stomach and saw my dress move as they kicked so hard it moved my belly. Later in the day I saw it happen again in another spot. Oh how exciting! I'm so excited to see that again.

Meanwhile I'm feeling great. We had a lovely weekend in Ramat Beit Shemesh with a bunch of friends. We're hoping to get a lot of work done on the apartment in time to finally have a housewarming party over Chanukkah. We have another photo session (ultrasound) with the kids in a week and hopefully will have a couple of fun pictures to share with everyone.

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