Shawn's depression is acting up a bit more, probably due to his major upcoming exam. And he wonders why I insist taking the year off school is a good thing!! Mood-wise he's pretty fine but he's sleeping more, which is his biggest tell. Meanwhile I'm not as actively ill as I was but still close enough to it that if I don;t get enough sleep I wake up really feeling worse for the wear, and a day full of drop-offs, pick-ups, work and errands really doesn't help. The girls, however, are nice and sick. Nothing nasty, they're not in pain or throwing up, just mild fevers that tylenol is helping and occasional bouts of the chill. Halfway through last night it looked like we were really in for it but after a round of tushie medicine (and the discovery of an awesome new position for holding Eli in which she doesn't even realized someone shoved a suppository up her rear) and a move from their own room, in which the heater and humidifier was running and both girls were snuggles under two blankets, into ours (I have to draw you a diagram of how this works), they moth slept in until the merciful hour of 10am (!!!!!!!) It was awesome! Of course we were way behind getting the apartment organized for lunch but thankfully Joey and Rona were our only guests and they're very understanding. After lunch the "kids" all went back to bed and I got to sit on the couch and read. They're still all asleep and I'll probably regret letting the girls keep sleeping but if there's one lesson I've learned in motherhood it's that, unless you need to for medicine, and only then I mean really need you, you NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING SICK CHILD.
Here, I just whipped up a diagram for you on Paint. Blue and green are us adults, pink and purple are the kids. I think if I were ever asked for one piece of advice I would ever offer other parents about to have twins is would be this: invest in a great bed. Get a king size bed, the best mattress in the store and at least three waterproof mattress covers. But king size is key. And no, a queen won't cut it. Unless you really like my diagram. And unless you really like sleeping next to your husband's feet.

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