Thursday, October 6, 2011


With Shawn's health being as it is, cleaning has taken a back seat in our lives. A deep back seat. Since anyone who knows us well has merely stepped foot inside our apartment already knows that cleaning sits low on our priority list, it's basically so far in the back right now it's actually hopelessly trailing behind the car as we speed down the highway of life. Yes, mom, I will hire somebody when I have a minute to do so but for now, things are not great. And in some ways that's okay. This summer we were in a family crisis situation and right now we're on the slow, long, uphill path to rebuilding and cleaning is far less important than other things on our priority lists (work, family, gan, therapies, medications, school, exams, future plans, extended family health, etc.)

So that's why I took the initiative to do a double good deed this week. I invited one of the girls' friends from gan over for a playdate on Friday. This means fun for them and a major kick in the butt to make my house presentable to a potential new friend and her offspring. Plus with sukkot looming I really need to deal with daunting tasks like cleaning the porch, anyways.

So far, it's working! We're about T-10 hours from commencement of playdate and so far the bathrooms are clean and the porch is done (yay!). The living room is straitened up and the floor just needs to be washed and the kitchen, well, oy. The kitchen. The plan tomorrow is plant the girls in front of Barney while I tackle that hellhole the kitchen.

In other news, my babies are so grown up! They pick up bags and tell me they're going to the supermarket to shop so bye, Ima! Bracha takes her (leopard print) purse with her to gan and everywhere she goes. They have minds of their own are not afraid to use them (I am so proud!)

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