Sunday, June 13, 2010


This has been an active weekend for the girls!!! Yes, of course video documentation will shortly follow, but if in doubt, ask uncle Joey; he witnessed it all!

As of Friday, Eliana has her first word!!! And it is...........wuh-duh!!

That's right, my baby girl has started saying water. Before Ima, Abba, or Bracha. She says water. She loves drinking from one of those plastic cups with straws and we give her tons of water in it since it's been so hot and these days she's take a nice gulp, put it down, purse her lips as say (in a very deep voice), "wuh-duh!"

As for milestone #2, I think it's safe to say that as of Saturday, Bracha is officially a walker, by which I mean that was the first day she walked more than crawled (she's been walking short distances for over a week now). She looks very unsteady on her chicken legs, but walks around just fine nonetheless.

How big my babies are!!!

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