On mealtimes and routines:
Everything I ever read about twins said it was very important to get them on the same schedule. But when I spoke to my mother about scheduling (this was, mind you, before they were born) she just laughed.
Now I see her point, but also the books' point. There's no way I could have controlled their schedule, not if I ever wanted to sleep or go to work. But fortunately they have fallen into similar patterns and that helps enormously.
Both girls fall asleep usually around 9-ish, which means anytime from eight to ten, sometimes even earlier and, unfortunately, sometimes even later. They wake up around 6-ish, sometimes after having needed a feeding during the night.
Eli poops about an hour after waking up, almost like clockwork.
They play very nicely in the morning for about an hour, then it's time for breakfast. They actually get hungry for food now, which is relatively new.
Breakfast is usually steamed veggies, cheerios, cheese, and leftovers from whatever Shawn and I had for dinner the previous night. Today's breakfast included cheesy poof (quite a success) and their new favorite, bamba.
After that comes cleanup (of them, the floor, and the high chairs), diaper and clothing changes, then some crankiness until they both finally settle down for their morning naps, for which there are usually a couple of false starts before they really settle down and get a good hour+ of sleep.
Then they wake up in great moods and play for a nice long while until it's time for lunch, which today I think it'll be more cheesy poof, cubed avocado, and perhaps some banana.
Then I go to work and they're out of my hands for a while. For dinner they like grabbing whatever is on my plate. Then they go to bed and the whole cycle starts all over again.
Throughout the day there are, of course, bottles and cheerios. The diaper bag is well stocked with cheerios, rice cakes, baby food, and chickpea crackers, and now bamba, too. Baths don't happen daily, and aren't a soothing bedtime ritual. If I get a chance I bathe them by myself in the morning (throw one kid in the big tub, spray her down, soap her up, rinse her off, dry, dress, and repeat), otherwise Shawn and I do it together in the evening (showering with a baby in arms, while the other does the undressing and dressing).
So that's a day in the life of twins! I didn't even mention outings (yes, it is possible to get up and down four flights of stairs with two babies, a colossal diaper bag, a back pack, and shopping bags, all by yourself).
Right now they're fed, dressed, and napping. So what am I going to go do?
Laundry, of course!!!
(Haha, you probably thought I'd say 'go nap myself,' hah!)
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