I started this blog when I was 13 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I titled each post according to how far along I was. Once I gave birth, I continued using the same format, but now in order to document how old the girls are. So when I started writing in this blog I was just about as pregnant as the girls are now old. That's pretty cool.
You know what else is cool? Having a follow-up with a pediatric neurologist after a NICU doctor tell you there's a major problem with your baby, just to have the neurologist say that. nope, your baby rocks, is totally fine and there's nothing to worry about (as with previous medical issues mentioned here, were I to want to go into greater detail I would, so since I din';t you can assume I don't want to and thus don't even bother asking questions).
Oh, and you know what else is cool, too? Leaving your husband to babysit (especially since he needs a chance to get used to being alone with both girls since yours truly has to go back to work in not too long) while you catch a movie with your awesome brother. I don't even remember the last tine I saw a movie and this was the first tine I left the kids with Shawn to do anything longer than run errands to the supermarket or the hardware store. It was so nice to feel normal again! It made me want to go out drinking and dancing. It reminded me that I am an individual, not JUST a mommy, and I think having a reminder of that every now and then works to remind me that I love being a mommy, that there's nothing I want to do more, that I choose this role. It makes me a better ima.
Now, if you don't mind, I have an Eliana in serious need of some quality cuddling.
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