Well, I'm past the 30 week mark! Requests have again been made for pictures, and requests to my husband to figure out how to use the darn webcam have again gone ignored. So I will try to figure out how to take pictures myself like I did last time. No guarantee on the quality.
A few details/clarifications/thoughts on the baby stuff:
At the time of the birth, there are a few things we will need to have already. Those are a place to sleep the babies and a way to transport them home from the hospital.
Ideally, I would like to buy cribs and co-sleep both babies in one crib till they're old enough/big enough to need to sleep separately. My reasons for doing so, instead of using bassinet, are threefold. 1) Space. Since we'll need two cribs anyways, and will likely be buying them both at the same time as a part of a package from the store, we save room by using them, or t least one of them, right away, instead of having two cribs plus two bassinets around. 2) I know I can fit two babies in one crib, I can't be sure I'll be able to fit two babies in one bassinet. Likelihood is I will, at first, but they'll outgrow it fairly quickly. 3) I want them to co-sleep. They're close together now, I want them to remain close. I don't want to co-sleep with them in our bed; neither Shawn nor myself are small people, so that doesn't leave a whole lot of room, plus we tend to smother ourselves with pillows and blankets and it does not create a safe environment for two infants. But I want them to have the benefits of co-sleeping with each other for as long as possible.
As for car seats, well, obviously we need a way to get them home from the hospital.
So that's what we need right away and will have to work out before the birth. Despite not being big on the bassinet idea, I will be going to Yad Sarah tomorrow to look into borrowing a couple.
The ironic thing is that even though we need the car seats before the birth, we don't need to worry about buying them till after we figure out the other furniture. The reason for that is that it takes 30 business days to order the cribs and dresser, whereas other things are kept in stock and can be bought on-the-spot. That's why we can hold off on those decisions yet have to order the cribs and dresser very soon.
What I think we will do is go in next week and order the furniture, so it'll be ready for the birth, but ask them to hold off on delivery till we call them. That way they'll have the 30 business days necessary to build them or whatever they do, then we can call right after the babies are born and ask them to do the actual delivery in time for our homecoming/not long after. As for everything else, we'll make a list of what we need/want (car seats, swing, bouncer, bath, etc.) and ask them to hold on to it, and direct any friends/family who ask about buying us gifts to the store and they can buy what they want off the list. When it comes closer to the birth itself we will go in and buy the car seats ourselves if no one has bought them yet. That way, we will at least have the car seats and the Yad Sarah bassinets in time for the birth.
If any of you are curious, yes there are a few things we want that we don't think we can buy here and would appreciate receiving from the States/Canada. I will post those shortly.
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