Wednesday, September 3, 2008

13wks, 2days

As of last night we are officially "out" about our big news. Being pregnant itself doesn't seems to come as much of a surprise to people and I'm not shocked by that. After all, we recently celebrated our second anniversary, have just bought a three-bedroom apartment, and Shawn is about to start actually working at the hospital as a student nurse in addition to his studies.

But what is a surprise is how every now and then an extra sperm meets an extra egg and before you know it there are two heartbeats in the ultrasound and you find yourself incredibly grateful you planned for a big family when you bought your home (I know three bedrooms doesn't sound very big to the Americans and Canadians who are reading this, but in Israel it's quite common to have two or three kids -or more if you're haredi- per bedroom, and the rooms at our new place are a very nice size by Israeli standards).

Anyhow, I have created this blog as a way to update friends and family who care to be updated, especially useful since all parental units (soon to be grand-parental units) are currently abroad and would, no doubt, like regular updates. I'll post ultrasound pictures and belly pics too I guess.

In short, a quick recap of the last three months for those who weren't "in the know" till now:

Due date: Supposedly March 9th, however as twins are considered term at 37 weeks, we're expecting February babies (see, dad?! I do listen to your requests!).
First ultrasound (5wks,1d): Saw two tiny sacs, no yolk sacs yet.
Second u/s (6wks, 1d): Saw two tiny yolk sacs, fetal poles, and, best of all, heartbeats!!! (Also, for the record, the same day we signed the contract on our new apartment)
Third u/s (9wks, 3d): Saw the babies move! Not really recognizable as humans yet, but definitely rocking around a bit, heartbeats still going strong.
Fourth u/s (12wks, 6d): Nuchal scan (a test to check for fluid in the back of the neck that could indicate Down's syndrome) - All clear! Risk less than 1: 6,600. Got to see the babys' heartbeats, spinal cords, brains, and, cutest of all, fingers and toes!! They're at the alien stage, where any angle of their face really looks like something strait out of Roswell. Nonetheless, their bodies are magnificently formed minatures of real human beings.
Next u/s ( 23.9.08 - 16wks, 1d): An early comprehensive scan to check out all the internal organs and make sure everything is looking good.

Yes, it's more scans, and more OB appointments, than most women get, but with double the fun there's double the risks, so the Dr.'s are doing a good job at keeping a close eye on me.

That's it for now, more later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
