On February 17th, 2009, my husband Shawn and I welcomed our twin daughters, Eliana and Bracha, into this world. Till that point this blog had been used to share pregnancy updates with friends and family and now it is used to share news and pictures of our budding family.
Which isn't to say I haven't also loved having them around! We've done so much together we actually never once relied on old staples like the zoo or gymboree this entire summer break! Yesterday the whole family went to the amusement park in Tel Aviv (see two posts ago) and last week we tried to go to the beach but Bracha was sick so Shawn stayed home with her while Eli and I went (she slept through the actual beach part but still had lots of fun visiting Uncle Joey and Doda Rona and riding them train with Ima).
They're also such amazing walkers! We took them to the annual international arts festival. Chutzot Hayotzer, with no stroller and they made it through the whole night! Earlier this week they were at my office for a visit and afterwards we walked all the way to Emek Refaim!
I'll post some pictures soon.
Me: Eli, let's change your clothes.
Eli: No.
Me: But Eli, look, there's chocolate all over your pants. They're all messy.
Eli: Okay, but just the pants.
Me: We have to change your underwear, too.
Eli: But they're not dirty.
Me: Yes they are, you wore them all day yesterday, and each day we put on a fresh pair of underwear.
Eli: Okay, but not my shirt.
Me: But Eli, you got ice cream all over your shirt, too.
Eli: On my green [short sleeved] shirt.
Me: Yes, so it's dirty, so let's change it.
Eli: But that's why I have this [clean, long sleeved] shirt on top of it!
How do I argue with that logic?