I guess I have to start this post as I start so many: with an apology. My computer is not working and I have yet to figure out how to attach my camera to Shawn's and thus the lack of picture updates. But I have been filming away so there are pictures and videos to share once all this works itself out.
Meanwhile I will share a couple of awesome updates. One week ago Eliana peed in the potty for the first time! It was the first potty action (and the last, so far) from either of the girls, though both continue to ask to sit on the potty and read stories, preferably potty books (hint hint). We have a couple of borrowed ones and a Hebrew one from my mom, and hope to get more (hint hint).
We're also getting everything ready for the girls to start gan (preschool) next month. We're getting very excited! It's a new gan and they just found a location so they will be very busy with setup over the next month. Tomorrow we have a meetup with the teachers and other kids and parents and will get to see the new location, so we are very excited. The best part though is our new purchase(s) made last night: backpacks!! We got the girls very cute backpacks with little sparkles and flowers and a nice big butterfly, and enough blue to make Shawn happy. The girls look so grown up with their new backpacks. I can't believe how big they are!
The other week I also ordered bumper bars for their cribs. They started climbing over their crib bars a few weeks ago so during the day I lower them to their lowest setting and pit a small table near by and they can climb in and out themselves but at night we raise the bars. Soon we'll start leaving them down at night and train them to stay in their crib and by the time the new bars arrive hopefully we'll be all set. That will stretch their use of the cribs another year and a half or so until we have to buy them real beds.
I can't believe I don't have babies anymore; I have two real children now!