I have more pictures and videos to updates whenever I next get a chance to transfer them off my camera. Meanwhile, let me share some updates.
Today the girls and I read
their I Spy book and they could point out every single one of the spied objects, and more! We've had this book since they were infants and still find new things they can recognize each time we read it (highly recommended for other parents!). We also read
Tiras Cham for the bazillionth time and the kids love to dance when we get to Bim Bam Bam!
Bracha is great at making animal noises. She knows the sounds made by a horse (nay!), cow (moo!), sheep (baaa!), dog (woof!), cat (meyow!), mouse (eek!) and money (ooh oh ah ah!). Eliana has an incredible vocabulary and she she liked up her toy animals the other day she even knew the word for zebra! Bracha calls it a horse. Also, when Shawn took out his guitar to play music a couple of days ago, Eli took out a card from a matching picture game with a picture of a guitar on it!
Bracha had a nasty week with mild fevers, yucky poop, lots of coughing and drooling as she cut her molars. HUGE YAY for final teething!!! Now poor Eliana must be going through it because she's been coughing in her sleep all evening.
Our new favorite past time is baking muffins. The girls LOVE mini muffins and I love trying new muffin recipes. I even found a creative, and tasty, way to use up the frozen peas and carrots that the girls wouldn't eat. Now they do! We sit on the floor and I measure out amounts and they dump it in and mix the bowls. They're especially good at putting the paper liners in the pans and at eating the final product!
Today we had a Roxette party in honor of their upcoming Israeli performance. The girls and I had a blast dancing around the kitchen to Dressed for Success. Then I gave them "manicures" (cut their nails and painted them pink). We had so much fun!