Well, our new closet finally arrived so we have been playing "musical crap," moving the books into the living room, our clothes into our room, storage stuff from the girls' room into the office, and putting their stuff, which has been stored in suitcases under their cribs, into their own closet. Now that we have access to the suitcases, we can begin packing.
A video I will try and load before we leave shows off the new closet, and the girls playing in it, of course.
There is so much involved in packing four people, especially for this time of year which is right as the weather changes. It's hot and sunny and the girls and I have worn sandals and shorts for months but now I also have to pack our sneakers (well, mine, since the girls don't have any yet), socks, and sweaters. Then there's holiday clothes, airplane clothes (matching for the girls, we get more sympathy from the attendants and fellow passengers that way), spare clothes, diapers, formula (since the stupid plane won't allow us to bring milk on board and won't supply milk, we have to give the kids formula for the flight...how aggravating! I expected more from ElAl), toys, snacks, gifts for friends and family, toiletries, medicines (of COURSE Eli struck a fever tonight. But hopefully it will pass quickly) and much, much more. I'm working tomorrow which limits our time even more but it was necessary since I am taking so much time off work.
Anyhow, I will take the camera with us and hopefully we'll get some good shots of the girls flying and sightseeing in London to post after we arrive. For those we will be seeing soon, looking forward!