Enough with this week/day nonsense!
The girls now sleep in separate cribs. It's very sad to not see them cuddling up next to each other. Bracha looks so forlorn when she's all curled up in the corner of a big crib all on her own. But it's also nice to see Eliana have the freedom to stretch out, and for both girls to be able to roll around without kicking one another.
Bracha, because of how she sleeps on her tummy, wakes up every morning and from every nap with cute red cheeks (face cheeks, not tush cheeks). Though speaking of red tush cheeks, Eliana has had a nasty diaper rash for a while now so we're going to Dr. Yael on Thursday to have it checked out.
I ordered another batch of formula (we belong to the Twins and Triplets Club at Materna and I can order formula and baby cereal at a 20% discount, home delivered for free). Six containers of Phase 1, six of Phase 2, and six more of Bracha's special preemie food (extra calories to help her grow). The solids thing has been going well enough, when we remember/get around to doing it. So far they've had baby oatmeal, zucchini, and sweet potato.
Speaking off food (a little off-topic since it has nothing to do with the babies, but it does have to do with our family) Shawn has started his celiac diet (yes, I know it
might have something to do with the babies, since there's a chance they may have it, too. We'll be asking the doctor about it at our upcoming appointment). But we're working on it. I went to the store today to stock up on potato and corn starches, as well as hummus, rice, tapioca, and soy flours, gluten-free pretzels, lemon and cracked pepper corn thins (since he hates rice crackers), corn pasta, and I splurged on boxed pancake and bread mixes. He's been feeling down so I made him a raspberry pancake lunch and he'll get bread and mac 'n cheese for dinner tonight (shh, it's a surprise!) All gluten-free, so I hope he enjoys.
The girls are *finally* down, so I had better go clean and bake.
Oh, some bad news: juice spilled on our camera and it's kaput. The good news is we got it as a Pessach gift from Shawn's employer so we didn't lose any money on it...the bad news is without it we have no way of updating this blog with pictures and videos and a new camera is not exactly in the budget right now so you'll all just have to be patient till we can get the money together to buy one. Sorry!