Thank heavens for my mommy!!
After almost 3 1/2 hours of sleep total last night, she came over this morning to help me take care of the girls. Once Eliana fell asleep I managed to throw in a load of laundry (yes, Shawn, you read that correctly), have some breakfast, pump some milk and then sleep for almost two more hours. That brings me up to about five hours of sleep total, a number I've gotten used to and can deal with.
Mom has taken Eliana out running errands so now I'm alone with Bracha, who I'll put down soon then hang the laundry, eat another bite, pump some more, then, if I'm lucky, hit the hay again.
I have NO idea how I'd have managed this first day without her help. Maybe we were nuts, having kids before Shawn finishes school. Though we had no way of knowing it'd have been twins and one kid would have been easy to take care of; the last three weeks were a cinch compared to today! But nothing is as awesome as having both of my babies home with me.
This shabbat we're staying home, just the four of us. It'll be our first chance to really bond as a family, and an opportunity for Shawn to help more with the kid care (he's actually really great, it's just since he has school, the night duties fall on me so he can sleep enough to function and that leaves sleep deprived lil me at home all day with both babies).
But no matter what my complaints, I'm just so thrilled to have them both at home. My family is finally reunited.